For more information on Mt. Olive Evangelical Lutheran Church please visit our website.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Mt Olive Council November 2009
PRESENT: Matt McCauley, John Musser, Rex Pagani, Steve Peterson, Janet Frisch, Pastor, Helen Gillingham, Marilyn Caruso, Tom Rodenbach and Marilyn Huber.
1) Matt reported the Baked Potato event was well attended with approximately 80 people. Everyone really seemed to enjoy the gathering. The Chili Cook-off will be held on 1/23/10 @ 5PM. The Wine & Cheese party will be on 4/17/10 @ 7PM. A Sundae Social will be held on 6/6/10 and due to the success of the 1st one another Baked Potato event will be held in the fall of 2010.
2) Marilyn attended to discuss the progress of the Stewardship program. Even in these hard economic times, we need to continue to give to our church. Even an extra 1% at a time is beneficial.
3) Janet reports the Kitchen Committee she has organized can always use help. She does not want the kitchen to return to what it was. Counsel agreed her hard work and the help of others has been a great advantage and will be looking for members to continue their cleaning.
4) Tom will be Santa Clause for the Breakfast with Santa to be held on 12/12/09 in the hall. This is an event to raise money for the Youth Group. Also, selling chocolate covered pretzels and a few Spaghetti dinners during week days will be used as fund raisers.
5) Helen discussed pens and magnets being used to help promote the growth of our church. She is looking for donations of appx. $150.00 to get started on the cost of these products.
6) Steve informed Counsel the church is currently $90,000.00 in the red. We are down $56,000 from 2 years ago. We have been able to save $30,000 without having a Vicar. At the Counsel meeting in Dec. 09, he is to present the new Budget to Counsel.
7) John announced we have purchased a salt spreader and the salt is on order. He will put a note on the dash board of the snow removal vehicle to turn off the fuel pump when not in use so as to not drain the battery. Rex & John want to hold a fund raising dinner for Pastor in early Jan. 2010 to help Pastor with his trip to India later in the month. Pastor announced how successful the Blessing of the Animals was, there were many in attendance with their pets. Also, the old Vicar’s house has been rented to a mother and her 2 children. The rent was reduced to $550.00 a month including water and sewage. Our church secretary did a wonderful job of screening prospective renters.
Monday, November 16, 2009
PRESENT: Matt McCauley, James St. John, John Musser, Rich Winkle Jr., Patty Dauer,
Jen Vecre, Rex Pagani, Pastor Pingel, Kathy Brown, Ann Emge, Deb
Levato, and Marilyn Huber.
1) Matt informed counsel there will be a baked potato social hour after 2nd
Service on 11/3/09. There will be a variety of toppings to choose from.
2) Ann is organizing a trip to Woodwards Apple Orchard on 10/24/09 for Sunday
School children and their families. A co-teacher is still needed for 6th & 7th grade class on Sundays.
3) A general discussion was held concerning snow removal this coming winter.
There are 2 men already slated for the AM and PM hours. Volunteers will be accepted, some of the men in attendance were offering to help as well. The key will be to have better communications so there is no confusion on who and when the work gets done. Counsel approved the purchase of salt and a spreader. There is a gas cap key for the Bronco. The key to the cap will be kept in the shed, along with some gas cans.
4) Rich had questions about the Vicar’s house for rent. He suggested a “For
Sign” in the front yard may be of benefit. There was also a question about
profits from the rental and taxes. Pastor will check into that money becoming
tax exempt.
5) Deb announced the pre-school program is helping Sue Pierson collect items
for soldiers to be mailed overseas. Activities the pre-school has had so far are
the Fire Dept. coming in to talk to the children about fire safety, Vision Care
came to speak of eye care and they went Trick or Treatin at Cambridge Village. To aid in the spread of illness they clean the toys and tables with Cloroax and are using had wipes.
6) Kathy announced MOPS will hold a Christmas Boutique on 11/8/09, also that
same day there will be a bake and soup sale to raise funds for MOPS.
7) Parstor announced that Arnie Brock and the Geneva student will both run the
Jr. Youth Group. Pastor would like to see the youth in the church get involved with the bells again. Kathy volunteered to get it going again. He also would like the children’s choir to be a part of service. We discussed Swine Flu and precautions to take in church. Recommendations were to not shake hands during greeting and getting hand sanitizers in the Sanctuary. Pastor would also like to have volunteers to be “Prophets” during the Advent Services.
8) Rex is going to get the Finance Committee together to review the Budget.
There has been a large savings with the absence of the Vicar.
A quote from Pastor:
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
An organization called “Alcoholics Anonymous” has been of great service to many people afflicted with alcoholism. Associated in its work are people who are THEMSELVES alcoholics and have helped each other overcome the problem. One of the first steps in the process is to ADMIT to themselves—and to others—that they are, indeed, alcoholics—completely unable to handle intoxicating liquor, and therefore committed to the necessity of never again touching the stuff!
TO BE HELPED, others have to make the same admission and to recognize the same necessity. They are then encouraged to “seek POWER from on high” in order to achieve what is humanly impossible! This is where there is some shortfall in the program, but at least it begins to point people in the right direction.
As part of my training in seminary I chose to take classes in chemical dependency, and part of that training was to attend a number of AA meetings. Several things characterized these meeting.
1 Cigarette smoke. I‘ve never been to an AA meeting where the room wasn’t filled with smoke. There’s a reason for that but I won’t get into it.
2 The more important thing was a gut wrenching HONESTY which characterized the meetings. Which I have seen nowhere else since—at least with that level of intensity.
3 The third thing was FELLOWSHIP created by this common problem, and their commitment to being of assistance to one another. There was no condemnation,
no condescension, no looking down on others, just a desire to help! And a willingness to stand by those in need.
NOW, it’s not my purpose to comment today on Alcoholics Anonymous, except to say for any shortcomings in the program, it has still helped a lot of people and still has probably the best overall record for helping people overcome this affliction. No other organization, including the church, has been able to do as much as AA. That’s became they know what they are about, and they accept people into their ranks in the light of common goals and concerns.
BUT this raises a question. Does the CHURCH know what it’s about? Is the CHURCH aware of what it really is? AND is its fellowship meaningful in the sense that it really works? WHAT IS THE CHURCH ANYWAY?
Some people have the impression that the church is a collection of high class snobs, who come together for the purpose of criticizing everyone except themselves! Where would they get that impression?
One thing is for sure: This picture of the church as an assembly of RIGHTEOUS people, smugly sure of themselves and bitterly critical of everyone else, CERTAINLY doesn’t come from JESUS CHRIST, the founder of the CHURCH! In fact, as our text
states, Jesus felt quite at home with sinners! In fact, he he openly ASSOCIATED with so called “SINNERS” –a practice which brought criticism and censure from others, PARTICULARLY the “religious” people of his day!
AND MAKE NO MISTAKE, the people he received and even sought out were REALLY sinners! They were tax collectors, political grafters, who cheated people blind; they were women with lurid reputations, women of the streets; No one else would even talk with them, Jesus ate and drank with them! According to the custom of the time, sitting at table with another was a sign of ACCEPTANCE—still true in that region of the world today!
He was not above eating and drinking and talking with these people, considered OUTCASTS, the SCUM of lst century society!
In fact, when Christians look at our Lord Jesus Christ, we see in him PERSONIFICATION of a divine invitation issued centuries before through the prophet Isaiah:
“Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord; though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though they are like crimson, they shall become like wool.”
Don’t get me wrong; Jesus didn’t CONDONE sin. He didn’t take sin lightly, simply wink at it and pretend it didn’t exist. Jesus describes sin throughout the Gospels in all its ugliness and in terms of its devastating eternal consequences. Left unchecked, it will separate us from God now and eternally. God’s wrath rests upon sin. In the sight of God, sin is scarlet, blood red. And yet, it says, OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST visited with sinners, even ate with them! Extending to sinners of every description a divine invitation to a brand new relationship with God based upon grace and forgiveness.
So here’s the first point I’d make. Wherever the church exists, it is first and foremost an ASSEMBLY of people who are THEMSELVES sinners, and know it. They don’t just THINK about sinners, they don’t just TALK about sinners, they ARE sinners…and they know it. They’re not the kind of people who sit around saying: “Well, I’m not so bad after all. At least I’m not like so and so, ‘cause I go to church and my record is good.’ When the Church is doing its job, it consists of people who could very well call themselves SINNERS ANONYMOUS.
In fact, Christians should come across as refreshingly honest people. Who admit to themselves and to others, what they are. Every week when they come together, they say these or similar words; “I a poor miserable sinner confess my sins and iniquities which I have ever offended thee, and justly deserved thy temporal and eternal punishment.” They think of their own sins as nothing short of scandalous; and they see themselves as needing a SAVIOR just as much as anyone else. And they know that they are RIGHTEOUS in the sight of God. Not because they are such GOOD people, but because CHRIST has clothed them with HIS righteousness, and they see themselves as constantly in need of God’s forgivness.
THE CHURCH, “SINNERS ANONYMOUS”—is a fellowship of people who have the same problem, sin, and they have come to Jesus Christ, and his cross, as the answer to that problem.
II Obviously, and unfortunate, many people don’t have this picture of the church. Many people OUTSIDE the church think of the Church as the LAST place to go with this problem of sin. They think: “I’m not good enough to be part of that organization! I’d never feel at home; I’d never be accepted.
Where do people get this impression? Very often the idea comes from the people of the church. When the church doesn’t have a correct understanding of itself, the church can become a breeding ground for PHARISEES and PHARISAICAL THINKING. The church becomes a country club which specializes in criticizing and condemning those on the outside, rather than an organization dedicated to extending God’s invitation to “come” to the Lord for forgiveness and healing. The church says, in effect: Clean up your act, and THEN come and see us. And maybe, just maybe, we’ll judge you good enough to let you in.
Too often the church forgets what it is. It is NOT a social club. It is a fellowship of people who are united by a common problem. In AA, that problem is alcoholism. In the church, that problem is SIN. And all of us are sinners. So, none of us can afford to boast. Alcoholism is characterized by powerlessness, a lack of control. Listen to PAUL as he speaks of his sin: “For I am the chief of sinners.” “The very thing I should not do, that I do; and that which I ought to do, I do not. O wretched man that I am! Who shall save me from this body of death?” But thanks to God, through Jesus Christ our Lord!”
The fellowship of the Church is not based on being perfect. It’s based on a common need, and what we all have been fortunate to receive, through the merits of Jesus Christ; Grace and forgiveness. We’ve all been recipients, says Paul, of grace upon grace. We’re a fellowship of sinners, forgiven sinners, gathered around the cross of our dear Lord.
In AA the basically philosophy is that the one who knows they have A PROBLEM and has wrestled with the problem is in the best position to be of help. Who can best reach a world of sinners for Christ? People who with humility know what they themselves are: Sinners. Ordinary people who recognize their own sin and shortcomings, and yet who have found a solution to sin in the grace of God who forgives sins freely through is Son. When we sound high and mighty and SELF-RIGHTEOUS, that drives people away. When we raise things of minor importance to levels of absolute necessity…we do a disservice to those on the outside. When we become more concerned about buildings and places and programs than PEOPLE and their need for God…we project to outsiders something less than an inviting image.
Our text says that Jesus “ate and drank with tax collectors and sinners.” This is significant, because it tells us that God finds sinners where they are. He doesn’t say: “straighten out, then come.” He says: “Come, let us reason together.”
The Church is no place for proud Pharisees…no person who takes the cross seriously can be proud of himself or herself. He or she can never TAKE a righteous, condemning, judgmental attitude toward others. Why? We’re all members of SINNERS ANONYMOUS. We’re all in the same boat.
One of the great and ancient symbols of the church is the ship or boat. This is appropriate. We’re all in the same boat. The same boat with tax collectors and sinners, with drug users and corrupt businessmen, with sinners of all times and places. Our fellowship is not based on self righteousness, but on our need for Jesus.
Maybe you’re here visiting this morning. Welcome. Welcome to Sinners Anonymous. We can relate to you. We’re just like you. We are lost in sin. But let me tell you, brother and sister, there is mercy for you too, at the cross. Mercy like we’ve received. No one, no matter what they’ve done, is ever beyond the reach of God in Jesus Christ. We invite you to join with us, fellow sinners, redeemed by the Son of God, and Savior of the world. We hear the gracious invitation as we gather around the Lord’s table this morning: “Come, says the Lord, though your sins be scarlet, they shall be white as snow, though they are like crimson, they shall be like wool.” The invitation is engraved with the name of Jesus Christ, who gave his life for us. “Come now” says the Lord. Amen.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Mt Olive Council Mtg May 2009
1) Kathy discussed Darlington Days activities. MOPS will have iced tea, snacks and a changing table. They will be taking registrations for MOPS. A rummage sale will be held September 5, 2009 and a Yard sale will take place on September 12, 2009 to help raise funds.
2.) Deb spoke of this year's success with the Wine and Cheese party. The Ice Cream Social will be June 7 after second service. Consideration is being given to Brewsters coming with their ice cream cart, including toppings. There will also be hot dogs, chips and pretzels.
3.)Megan from the Board of Education spoke on Teacher Appreciation Fruit Baskets begin given out. There will only be Summer School in June. Vacation Bible School already has its teachers, but volunteers for other activities are always welcomed.
4.)Helen addressed the need to get the business cards for hall rentals out to the public. The holders for the cards have been delivered to the church and need to be taken to the businesses contacted. Pastor pointed out that hall rental is greatly helping to keep the church afloat.
5.)John informed that the props from the drama events are now in storage in the shed on the church's property. Steve peterson from Morrow Motors loaned a van to help move these items.
6.)Vicar Zach reported he has completed his meetings with the Geneva students since school is out for the summer. A couple of these students still continue to attend services on Sundays.
7.)Janet announced that Telecare calling will be discontinued, at least for the summer. Discussion was held on the possibility of emailing people with computers and calling the others when this ministry continues.
8.)Pastor relayed that Debbie Levato has been interviewing for a preschool teacher. Nine of the 12 positions are filled. Also, Pastor has been talking with Josh Roach from Geneva about taking over the Youth Ministry since Vicar Zach will be returning to the seminary. In another matter, Pastor urged the completion of the showers since they will be needed for the upcoming Youth event in July. The rug scrubber needs upgraded to a new one because the cost to repair the old one is too great.
Pastor has an urgent plea...for parishioners to take a more active role in the upkeep of the church. Everyone's help is needed in one way or another.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Mt. Olive Counsel Meeting April 19
1. Rex thanked Pastor for the wonderful services and events of Easter week.
2. Pastor discussed the work ahead for installing 3 showers in the area of an old closet downstairs. The showers will be used when the servant event is held here this summer. The trustees have approved this decision. A plumber is needed to help complete the work. Four new outdoor table and chairs have been purchased to be used for events held at the hall. Hall rentals are beginning to pick up. Pastor also stated that Confirmation Sunday is May 31, 2009. Pastor also reported the Bronco with a plow have been purchased for snow removal beginning next winter.
3. Helen spoke on behalf of the Publicity Committee. New business cards including photos and information on hall rental have been completed and will begin to be distributed to various businesses. The committee has a list of caterers, florists, funeral homes, chair rentals, linen services, etc. for those renting that need assistance in completing their event.
4. Vicar spoke for the Evangelism Board on how well the blood pressure screenings went at the Maple Syrup Festival. The Junior Youth group will be holding monthly fundraisers to defray the cost of their upcoming trip. The Vicar also noted that he has been meeting with students from Geneva a couple times a week and several students are attending services on Sundays.
5. Ann reported the Easter Egg Hunt went very well. Also, the Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) will be serving as Readers, Ushers and Greeters at the services on Mothers Day.
6. Matt reminded all that the Sundae Social will be held in the hall on June 7, after second service.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Leaning on the Word of God in Challenging Times- Lesson 13
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Leaning on the Word of God in Challenging Times- Lesson 12
I hope you had a joyful Easter! Christ has risen!
Should we just use the Gospel, and only tell others about forgiveness and love?
2) God has not abandoned you. We know that his Son, Jesus, has promised to never forsake us.
3) God is in control of everything! Just give him control of your life.
Statements 1 and 3 were law statements. They tell a person what they must do, and imply that the person is suffering because they have done something wrong. The second statement focuses on what God does for us, and the promise we have in his Word.
3) Read Galatians 2:19-21. What is the purpose of the law? How does Paul live?
Paul lives by faith. That is how we live, in good times and bad. We live on the promises of God. We move past sin, and move on with our lives trusting in the forgiveness and goodness of God. So we can suffer knowing that Christ has come to heal our broken hearts, and his Spirit is at work repairing our faults.
Spiritual exercise- Pray that God would give you the ability to understand and distinguish the difference between law and gospel.
Leaning on the Word of God in Challenging Times- Part 12
1) “You are suffering because God is no longer smiling on you. Do not worry, because God wants to smile on you. Just do his will and everything will be ok!”
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Easter Bible Study
We will pick up our study of “Leaning on the Word in Challenging Times” next week. As Easter is a day that cannot be ignored, we will study the resurrection account found in Luke 24.
Christ is risen! This study is based on: Arthur A. Just, Luke 9:51-24:53, Concordia Commentary Series, Concordia Publishing House: St. Louis, 1997.
Read Luke 24:1-12
1) What are the women expecting to find when they go to the tomb? (Verses 1-3)
What does the angel ask the women?
The angels ask the women a stunning question: “Why do you look for the living among the dead?” Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Mary the mother of James believed in the resurrection of the dead, just like we do. Like us, they knew it would happen on the Day of the Lord, the day when Christ returns, but the women did not expect to see the resurrection now! The Resurrection has an immediate meaning for us. Certainly, Christ rose first so that we know that we will rise one day, but that Christ remains alive even now means that death has been completely defeated. So that when our physical bodies are laid in the ground to wait for the resurrection, our souls will never die. One day soul and body will be reunited to live forever under Christ.
Think about what the resurrection means for you today.
2) Read verses 6-7. What did the angels say to the women?
What tone of voice do you think the angels used?
Has Jesus ever said anything like this about himself?
Jesus made many passion predictions about himself in Luke. He even uses the same words as the angels by calling himself the Son of Man in Luke 9:22, 44 and 18:31.He also says the will be “crucified”, that he will rise on the third day. After reading these predictions and being reminded by the angels one more time, we know that these things had to happen. God had planned to give his only Son into the hands of men to die, and rise again.
How does it feel to know that God planned these things to save you?
3) What did the women do after the angels reminded them of Christ’s words to them? (verses 9-11)
The disciples responded to the women with unbelief. How would you respond to them?
It does seem like nonsense that someone could raise from the dead. The disciples might have thought the women had gone insane. Yet, God uses the things that seem foolish to demonstrate his power. These women are the first evangelists! What a prestigious place to have in history! Many of us hear these words: “Christ is risen!” with unbelief. We search for the hard evidence, but find only rags. The Holy Spirit creates faith apart from “hard” evidence, faith is worked through the Word of God. Remember, that Christ said it is necessary for the Son of man to die and rise again and believe.
Please post any questions or comments below.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Leaning on the Word of God in Challenging Times- Lesson 11
Monday, March 30, 2009
Thank You Letter from CA.S.T. to our Church
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Leaning on the Word of God in Challenging Times- Part 10
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Trusting in the Word of god in Challenging Times- Lesson 9
Council Meeting Feb. 22
IN ATTENDANCE: Matt & Debra McCauley, Pastor Pingel, Vicar Zach, Debbie
Levato, Helen Gillingham, Janet Frisch, John Musser, Rex
Pagani, Doreen Hietsch, Steve Petterson, and Marilyn Huber
1) Debbie Levato spoke more on the Pre-K STEP 2 program. The maxium # will be 12 students & there are already 6 enrolled for the upcoming fall. The cost is $85.00 a month and $25.00 for registration. They will need to hire a teacher to assist.
2) Dorren Hietsch is asking for someone new to run the 2 of a Kind program for next year. She would like to train another class for the Steven Ministry program. It would be an asset to have some men join the class. Classes run for 20 weeks.
3) Steve Peterson shared at the last Elders meeting, discussion was on all of the new initiatives the church is involved in. Also, the servant event that will be held at our church this summer. 75 will be the maxium # of people to attend.
4) Matt & Debra McCauley had a wonderful attendance on between 90 and 100 people for the Chili cookoff, with 16 different kinds of Chili. The Wine Tasting party will be on 4/25.
5) Helen Gillingham discussed how the Publicity committee is working on business cards and glossy photos of the hall with information for rental. A printer in Eastvale will produce the products for a nominal cost.
6) Vicar Zach is thinking of starting a devotional group with the attendance of more Geneva students. The Jr. Youth Group will be traveling to York, PA from 7/26-7/31 to perform community services. He is considering an evangelism service of offering free blood pressure screening and possible glucose testing at the upcoming Maple Syrup Festival at Brady’s Run Park.
7) Pastor discussed the Trustees did a good job of fixing Vicar’s sewer line. The Trustees are also considering putting showers in the old laundry room, especially with the servant event coming this summer. The elevator has been inspected by the state and all is well. There is consideration for putting in an exercise room for the youth, parents and perhaps having a seniors exercise program 2 days a week. He asked for counsel to consider stopping Telecare, at least for awhile. Also, the expense for snow removal so far this winter is exceeding $7,000.00, he asked for consideration of the church purchasing a used truck with a plow so we can do it ourselves. It could pay for itself in a year or possibly 2.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Leaning on the Word of God in Challenging Times- Part 9
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Leaning on the Word of God in Challenging Times- part 8
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Leaning on the Word of God in Challenging Times- Part 7
Monday, February 23, 2009
Trusting in the Word of God in Challenging Times- Part 6
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Trusting in the Word of God in Challenging Times- Part 5
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Leaning on The Word of God in Challenging Times- Part 4
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Leaning on the Word of God in Challenging Times - Part 3
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Leaning on the Word of God in Challenging Times- Part 2
The Written Word (Bible), the Incarnate Word (Jesus), and the Spoken Word (Preaching) all receive their power from the Holy Spirit. For the next couple of weeks we will focus on the Spirit's work through the Word. This week's lesson focuses on the Holy Spirit's connection to the Word. We will look at how Satan will subtly try to twist God's Word until he can break us off from the Spirit's power. This will show us that without the Holy Spirit the Word will not be able to do its work. How comforting it is to know that God puts himself into his words, so that we know his promises are true! (This lesson like many others will draw heavily upon John T. Pless's book Word: God Speaks to Us in the Lutheran Spirituality Series [Concordia Publishing House: St. Louis, 2006].)
1) Read Hebrews 4:12-16
What does God's Word do? (Pless, 2006) Who makes the Word living and active?
Hebrews 4 gives us a powerful reminder that it is God's Word that judges us. We do not judge God's Word. We live in light of the Word, because God has given it to us and we are to revere it by keeping it in its pure form. In that form, the Holy Spirit makes it living and active. The Holy Spirit gives it life so that it can call us back to God, forgive our sins, strengthen our faith, and give us eternal life.
2) Read Genesis 3:1 (Pless, 2006)
Notice how Satan is trying to twist God's Words. Adam and Eve rejected the Holy Spirit when they wanted be like God. Have you ever been tempted like this? Have you ever wondered if God really meant what he said? This is Satan and our sinful nature trying to cut us off from the Spirit in God's Word. In these times we have a Savior who has been tempted in every way, just as we are tempted. When you start to question cry out to God for help! Thank God that Christ has conquered Satan and the sinful nature so that we can be forgiven for the times when we pull ourselves away.
3) Read Matthew 4:1-17 (Pless, 2006)
Satan is using the same strategy that he used against Adam and Eve. How does Jesus defend himself against these temptations?
What does this tell you about God's Word?
God has given his children a powerful weapon. The Holy Spirit brings us under God's Word. This Word becomes a shelter against Satan's attacks. The Spirit uses these words to repel even the strongest pitfalls. Satan and the sinful nature aren't strong enough to separate God's Word from the Holy Spirit.
4) Is it possible to have the Word without the Spirit? (Pless, 2006)
No, if you lose one you lose them both. You cannot obey God on your own, and you cannot sanctify yourself. God has graciously given us both his Word and his Spirit in the fullest measure to redeem us, and sanctify his church.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Leaning on the Word of God in Challenging Times- Part 1
Welcome back! Now that we are finished with Thessalonians it is time for something new! This Bible Study will focus on the value of the Word of God in the life of a Christian. We will look for ways to develop a consistent approach to personal devotions. Also, we will search God's Word for the comfort of the Gospel. This will lead us to look at how we need to apply both Law and Gospel, we will look at biblical examples of the faithful in difficult times, and how the Spirit builds up our faith through the Word. These are just a few of the topics we will study! We will rely heavily upon a Bible study from the Lutheran Spirituality Series called Word: God Speaks to Us by John T. Pless. (Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis: 2006)
First we will look at how God is speaking to us. Then we will examine the importance of God's Word to believers.
- There are times when the church seems to have its own language. For example, we use the phrase "The Word of God" or the "Word", but what is it? What is the Word of God? How would you describe it to someone who did not know?
The Word of God is simply what God says to us in order that we would be saved. Typically, the Word of God is broken up into three categories: the written word (the Bible), the Word Incarnate (Jesus), and the spoken Word (preaching).
Read 2 Timothy 3:15-16- What are some uses for the Written Word of God? How has the written Word affected your own life?
Jesus is the Word Incarnate, because he fulfilled everything that was prophesied about him in the flesh. Also, he came to earth full of grace and truth proclaiming the gospel, and did nothing but his Father's will. Read Luke 24: 25-27- On the "Road to Emmaus" Jesus, the Word Incarnate, told the disciples about how he was the fulfillment of prophecy. Many Christians are envious of the disciples, but where do we encounter the Word of God in the flesh? We encounter it at the Lord's Supper, and when we hear preaching that proclaims Christ as the fulfillment of prophesy, and salvation.
Consider the Spoken Word. Usually, we think of Pastors in the pulpit giving their sermons. Jesus has commissioned Pastors to faithfully preach the Word of God. However, he has also given responsibility to every believer to tell the world about the forgiveness of sins, the law, and the work that he has done. Read John 17:13-19- How have you used your authority to speak the Word of God to others?
2. God is still speaking through the Written Word, the Word Incarnate, and the Spoken Word. What things get in your way of hearing God's Word? (Pless 2006, 7) What can you do to avoid those things?
3. Think about how you have grown in your faith since you were baptized. Can you name at least one way that each category of the Word of God has helped you? (i.e. How has the Written Word helped you grow?, How has the Word Incarnate…) Look back to 2 Timothy 3:15-16 if you need a little direction.
Every week I will post a spiritual exercise that might help you in your devotional life. This one comes from Word: God Speaks to Us by John T. Pless. Pray Psalm 119:33-40. By praying this psalm you will be asking God to instruct you in his Word, and to confirm his promises.
Please post any comments or questions below!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Council Meeting December 8
IN ATTENDANCE: Matt McCauley, Debra McCauley, Rex Pagani, Vicar Zach,
Janet Frisch, John Musser, Steve Peterson, Pastor Pingel, Bob
Trimble, Patty Dauer, Kathy Brown, Scott Rodenbeck, Ann
Emge, and Marilyn Huber
1) Matt and Debra McCauley reviewed social events for ’09. 1/24/09 @ 5PM will be the Chili cook-off. 3/25/09 is the wine tasting event. 5/31/09 is the 2nd annual Ice Cream Social event. Sometime in 09/09, they want to plan a tail gate party in the church parking lot for a Steelers game. They are looking for help to plan the Octoberfest this year.
2) Bob Trimble continues working of the Stewardship program. He believes they are more than ½ ways done.
3) Patty Dauer reported the Evangelism committee visited 3 Nursing Homes in Beaver County. They went the Friendship Ridge, Franciscan Manor and Elmcrest and felt they were very well received. They entertained the residents with singing and visiting.
4) Steve Peterson reports the last Elder’s meeting was 12/10/08 and discussion surrounded the dismissal of the Vicar program for a couple of years and how helpful the program has been to us. The LCDF fund will provide $7,000.00 to help pay off the past 3 months of bills. He past out copies of the 08-09 Budget to the Committee that was already approved by the Elders. Pastor turned down a raise. Instead, the church will match his retirement fund. The ’09 budget reflects a $12,000.00 savings from this year.
5) Ann Emge announced the teachers received their gifts today.
6) Scott Rodenbeck confirmed the Stewardship program is ongoing.
7) Kathy Brown discussed MOPS events. They will have the Ladies Tea party the 1st Sat. in May. There is a Craft & Hostess fair later in 1/09. They continue fund raising for their yearly convention. They are planning to start a Night time MOPS program in ’09.
8) Vicar Zach is looking into developing a Calendar of Events for the whole year to post so non-members attending church will know when events are upcoming.
9) Janet Frisch discussed work with the Publicity committee and ways to increase the hall rental and using photos to promote the hall. Posters will be put into store front businesses.
10) Pastor Pingle mentioned that Deb Leveto continues to work on the Transitional Kindergarten program. Also, plans are in the works for the Youth Group to hold a servant event at our church in July.