
Welcome to Mt. Olive's Online Newsletter! This site serves to herald the activities and day-to-day happenings at Mt. Olive, as well as provide resources for continued learning and community awareness. Links on the right point to various groups that operate at Mt. Olive as well as points of interest and additional resources. The space below contains articles and information from the newsletter. A up-to-date church calendar is always at the bottom of the page. Thanks for visiting and please let us know what you think!

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Monday, June 8, 2009

Mt Olive Council Mtg May 2009

In attendance: Rex Pagani, Kathy Brown, Debra McCauley, Janet Frisch, Vicar Zach, John Musser, Helen Gillingham, Megan Why, Pastor Pingel and Marilyn Huber.

1) Kathy discussed Darlington Days activities. MOPS will have iced tea, snacks and a changing table. They will be taking registrations for MOPS. A rummage sale will be held September 5, 2009 and a Yard sale will take place on September 12, 2009 to help raise funds.
2.) Deb spoke of this year's success with the Wine and Cheese party. The Ice Cream Social will be June 7 after second service. Consideration is being given to Brewsters coming with their ice cream cart, including toppings. There will also be hot dogs, chips and pretzels.
3.)Megan from the Board of Education spoke on Teacher Appreciation Fruit Baskets begin given out. There will only be Summer School in June. Vacation Bible School already has its teachers, but volunteers for other activities are always welcomed.
4.)Helen addressed the need to get the business cards for hall rentals out to the public. The holders for the cards have been delivered to the church and need to be taken to the businesses contacted. Pastor pointed out that hall rental is greatly helping to keep the church afloat.
5.)John informed that the props from the drama events are now in storage in the shed on the church's property. Steve peterson from Morrow Motors loaned a van to help move these items.
6.)Vicar Zach reported he has completed his meetings with the Geneva students since school is out for the summer. A couple of these students still continue to attend services on Sundays.
7.)Janet announced that Telecare calling will be discontinued, at least for the summer. Discussion was held on the possibility of emailing people with computers and calling the others when this ministry continues.
8.)Pastor relayed that Debbie Levato has been interviewing for a preschool teacher. Nine of the 12 positions are filled. Also, Pastor has been talking with Josh Roach from Geneva about taking over the Youth Ministry since Vicar Zach will be returning to the seminary. In another matter, Pastor urged the completion of the showers since they will be needed for the upcoming Youth event in July. The rug scrubber needs upgraded to a new one because the cost to repair the old one is too great.
Pastor has an urgent plea...for parishioners to take a more active role in the upkeep of the church. Everyone's help is needed in one way or another.