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Saturday, March 8, 2008

Preview of May 11, 2008 Testimony

Truthfully -- I really do not want to give this talk today. I hastily agreed to be here when I was caught in the emotion, and manipulation, of a meeting discussing our deepening financial situation. I am here because I committed to be here. I am at odds with my commitment. My intellect says this is not the way to solve this problem. Many of you are strongly committed to this congregation and the work of the Lord. Why do you need to sit through weekly presentations designed to prod, or shame, you into additional giving when you are already sacrificing? Why are we subjecting everyone to these talks? It is my contention that those of you who are committed will rise to the challenges presented if you are simply asked one time privately -- by letter, personal contact or a posting on the blogspot..

The fact remains that we have a large portion of our membership that does not support the work of this congregation with any financial contribution. There is another segment that offers minimal support. I personally call those who support this congregation with time talents and treasures partners. Others might use the term disciples. Partners understand their responsibilities and are motivated to honor their duties and commitments. (Philippians 1:3-6)

Those who give little or nothing, excepting those in legitimate financial need, I refer to as customers. Customers have not taken ownership of the ministry. Customers are not givers -- they are takers. Customers will not commit and will be gone if the situation causes them affliction or there is a better deal down the street. Nothing I can say will change this. This change from customer to partner can come only through the Holy Spirit. I will pray for God’s will concerning finances to be discerned by all of us and I will pray for us to respond in obedience. I will pray for our customers to become partners -- the door is wide open.

The immediate problem is the monthly mortgage payment for the new addition. We committed to build this edifice and it is now time to pay for it. Up to this point the monthly payment, in the neighborhood of $7,000, has been augmented by money left in the building fund. These residual funds will soon be depleted. It is my understanding that the building fund will be replaced by the mortgage fund. We need to give to this fund separately once a month. I personally have decided to give $100.00 a month to this need in addition to our regular weekly contribution. I am able to do this by taking my afternoon break at the “Senior Center” where coffee and the newspaper is free in lieu of my regular hangout and I am also in recovery from my "Snickers addiction".

I invite your comments on my thoughts.

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