
Welcome to Mt. Olive's Online Newsletter! This site serves to herald the activities and day-to-day happenings at Mt. Olive, as well as provide resources for continued learning and community awareness. Links on the right point to various groups that operate at Mt. Olive as well as points of interest and additional resources. The space below contains articles and information from the newsletter. A up-to-date church calendar is always at the bottom of the page. Thanks for visiting and please let us know what you think!

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Friday, September 26, 2008

Council Meeting - September 21

The Vicar opened with prayer.

Rex called the meeting to order by welcoming the new people at the meeting.

EVANGELISM - Parry Dauer reported that the current project is to collect winter coats and have people come and get them at the church. Evangelists from the church will go door to door to collect the coats and would like to get 200-250 coats. Collection will begin in October.

MOPS - Kathy Brown reported that since the meeting was canceled last week because of lack of electricity, they would meet Sept. 22. They had their first Sunday night meeting and it was very well attended. There are also six new members for the morning MOPS. They are having a Rummage and Bake sale on September 27 from 8 to 1. The Christmas Boutique will be held November 2.

ELDERS - Erik Vecere said that the plans are in the works for an every-member Personal Stewardship Interview starting with the elders and continuing with the boards. Erik presented to council for approval a Marriage Enrichment Class which is part of a program called Together Pittsburgh.

VICAR ZACH will take the Junior Youth to Cheeseman's Fright Farm and the Senior Youth had a great get-together at Pastor's house. The Youth Team will meet October 1st.

TRUSTEES - Rich Winkle has several projects that need immediate attention and that need to be addressed. The Vicar's porch roof is leaking and needs to be replaced. The parking lot needs to be recoated and lines painted (this could wait until Spring), Pastor's office needs to be finished, (Pastor could use the gift he received at his Anniversary Party to pay for materials but would prefer to use those monies for their intended purpose of furniture. Council approved $5,000 to be taken from the Building Fund for renovations and repairs. These will be made available to the treasurer to pay bills associated with these projects. Trustees are reviewing the congregation's insurance policies.

PASTOR - Pastor has had meetings with almost all the boards and is encouraged that everyone is getting things done.

Rex commented on the fact that Steve Dort was leaving and would be missed. The next meeting will be held October 19.

The meeting was closed with "The Lord's Prayer".

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