
Welcome to Mt. Olive's Online Newsletter! This site serves to herald the activities and day-to-day happenings at Mt. Olive, as well as provide resources for continued learning and community awareness. Links on the right point to various groups that operate at Mt. Olive as well as points of interest and additional resources. The space below contains articles and information from the newsletter. A up-to-date church calendar is always at the bottom of the page. Thanks for visiting and please let us know what you think!

For more information on Mt. Olive Evangelical Lutheran Church please visit our website.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


IN ATTENDANCE: Debra McCauley, Matt McCauley, Janet Frisch, Patty Davies, Ann
Emge, Rex Pagani, Kathy Brown, John Musser, Steve Peterson,
Marilyn Huber, Pastor Pingel, and Vicar Hoffman.

1) Ann Emge discussed some projects from the Education Team, which include: Sunday School snacks, the Children’s Program for the Christmas Party dinner and Movie Day on 12/23.
2) Patty Davies informed the Coat Drive was very successful with over 100 coats given away when members of the community came to our hall for coffee and donuts. 30 more were sent to the soup kitchen at Christ Lutheran in Beaver Falls. The Christian Alliance church will take the remainder for their Christmas dinner.
3) Kathy Brown informed that Julie Quay is the new Mentor Mom with MOPS.
On 1/31/09 they are planning a Crafts & Hostess Fair at the church as a fundraiser. Also, the Women’s Shelter has supplied us with tear off sheets with their phone # for any woman who may be in need of their help. These will be placed in the women’s bathrooms.
4) Steve Peterson reports the Stewardship meetings are ongoing. Also, Sherri Ludig did an immaculate audit of the church finances. A report is forthcoming.
5) Matt and Debra are planning the annual Chilli dinner for 1/24/09.
6) Vicar will be hosting the male jr.youth at this home, while his wife takes the female jr. youth out to the movies and dinner.
7) Janet Frisch voiced the need for more Telecare callers.
8) Rex Pagani announced the upcoming Marriage Encounter weekend will be rescheduled for another time, as no one signed up. It’s thought that this might just be a bad time of the year for such an event.
9) Pastor reported the Vicar’s roof is fully repaired. Also, Church Mutual is our new insurance company for all areas of the church. Pastor thanked all committees for all of the good teamwork. His new office is done and he is grateful and enjoying it. The Youth group is planning on hosting a servant event here…………more details to come. Pastor also informed counsel that he is performing appx. 7 hrs. a week in volunteer work as a mobile therapist for Northwestern Human Services.

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